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Logo Yachts du Coeur 2025EcoMer Yachts du Coeur :
“With EcoMer Yachts du Coeur, we remind all the inhabitants of the planet that we are all onboard the same ship: “the earth”, and that the sea is an integral part of the earth. !”
A word from our president.
At Yachts du Cœur, hope is at the heart of everything we do. Every donation, no matter its size, carries the power of hope—a hope that brightens the lives of those who need it most. It is not the amount that matters, but the kindness and compassion behind it, which ignites a spark of possibility and promise. Through your generosity, you are giving more than just material support; you are offering hope—a light that helps others find their way when the world feels dark.

This is the gift we proudly share: the gift of hope, passed from the sea to the earth, reaching those in need with the strength of your goodwill.

Jean-Luc Annone
President, Yachts du Cœur

Happy New Year !


Sigle Les Yachts du Coeur
What are the Yachts du Coeur?


Yachts du Cœur: A Beacon of Solidarity and Sustainable Development

France boasts the second-largest maritime territory globally, with the French Riviera’s yachting industry as a key economic pillar. Renowned for its stunning marinas and top-notch services, this sector also leads in sustainable development efforts at sea, funding significant R&D programs and demonstrating exemplary solidarity.


Yachts du Cœur: Shining Globally

Among the most concrete examples of this solidarity is the Yachts du Cœur initiative. With yachts sailing across the world’s oceans, the Yachts du Cœur spreads its influence globally. This remarkable program thrives thanks to the generosity of yacht crews and yachting professionals, who play a crucial role in its success.

  • Since 2010, the association EcoMer Yachts du Coeur has organized these collections among seafarers and yachting professionals, with three primary goals:

    1. Helping People in Need: Providing essential support to those facing hardships.
    2. Fighting Against Waste: Promoting sustainable practices and reducing waste.
    3. Demonstrating Cohesion and Solidarity: Showcasing the natural solidarity within the maritime community, setting an example for all.


A Reminder of Our Shared Responsibility

Through the Yachts du Cœur, we remind everyone that we are all aboard the same ship, “Planet Earth.” The ocean is an integral part of our planet, reflecting both economic activities and the spirit of solidarity. For us, it symbolizes a commitment to supporting one another and protecting our shared environment.


“Every sailor knows that on a ship, you can only save yourself together!”


EcoMer Les Yachts du Coeur: Promoting Sustainable Maritime Environment

Yachts du Coeur du 22 juin 2017 au profit de la Croix RougeSince 2010, EcoMer Les Yachts du Coeur has spearheaded the Yachts du Cœur events, working diligently to support sailors and promote sustainable maritime ecology. By adhering to a high-quality charter, the organization collaborates with cities to implement eco-friendly practices and initiatives.

Remarkable Achievements
  • Food Collection: Over 22 tonnes of food, equivalent to 44,000 meals, have been collected and donated to the Food Bank since 2010.
  • Clothing Donations: More than 250m³ of linen and clothing have been provided to the French Red Cross, battered women’s associations, Solidarité 06, the Maraudes of Nice, and the Order of Malta.
  • First Aid Supplies: 28m³ of first aid materials were delivered to Caribbean populations affected by hurricanes.
  • Boat Restoration: A fishing boat from the Cannes fishing authority was restored to full working condition.
  • Beach Cleanups and Sailor Support: Numerous beach cleanups and assistance for sailors in distress have been conducted.
  • Educational Initiatives: Authored an environmental children’s book, “Where is the Sea Urchin Family?” to educate young minds about marine conservation.
Environment Advocacy
  • Eco-Friendly Yachting Advice: Provides practical ecological advice for yacht owners and sailors via our Seas Quality Charter edited in partnership with the city of Cannes.
  • Scientific Partnerships: Engages in special maritime scientific partnerships to address complex environmental issues.
  • Toxic Substances in Port Sludge: Actively investigates solutions for dealing with harmful substances like PCBs, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, and lead in port sludge, a problem still lacking a satisfactory resolution.


EcoMer Les Yachts du Coeur continues to make a significant impact in promoting maritime sustainability, supporting humanitarian efforts, and advocating for environmental conservation. Join us in making a difference on and off the water.

The results are there: 22 tonnes of food, or the equivalent of 44,000 meals have been collected since 2010 to the benefit of the Food Bank.

In addition to our comprehensive services, we have significantly contributed to various humanitarian and environmental causes. Over 250m³ of linen and clothing have been delivered to the French Red Cross, battered women’s associations, Solidarité 06, the Maraudes of Nice, and the Order of Malta. Moreover, we provided 28m³ of first aid supplies to populations in the Caribbean devastated by hurricanes.

We also restored a fishing boat from the Cannes fishing authority to full working condition. Our environmental efforts include beach cleanings and support for sailors in difficulty. Additionally, we have authored an environmental children’s book titled “Where is the Sea Urchin Family?” to educate young minds about marine life.

We actively advise on environmental actions aboard yachts and have established special maritime scientific partnerships. These partnerships address critical issues, such as the management of plastics and  of harmful substances like PCBs, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, and Lead in port sludge— a problem that remains unresolved to this day.

Our dedication to these causes underscores our commitment to making a positive impact on both the community and the environment.


Sigle Les Yachts du Coeur
– Visit our “Coeur de Yachts” ® onboard gifts shop for guests
  • Discover the exquisite craftsmanship of Coeur de Yachts®, where each product is meticulously handmade under the guidance of Laurence Eloy, a renowned craftswoman from the French Riviera and a dedicated Yachts du Coeur volunteer. Our top-quality creations not only embody elegance and sophistication but also serve a greater purpose.

    By purchasing Coeur de Yachts® products, you directly support our mission to fund future humanitarian and environmental initiatives. Our immediate focus is to uplift individuals in precarious situations, offering them the opportunity to regain their dignity and sense of purpose through active training, hands-on work, and valuable experience in our workshop.

    Our ultimate vision is to alleviate poverty by promoting self-sufficiency. At Coeur de Yachts®, we teach essential trades that empower individuals to build sustainable livelihoods. Each handcrafted item is a testament to the skill and dedication of our artisans, transforming lives one creation at a time.

    Join us in our mission to create a brighter future. With Coeur de Yachts®, every purchase is a step towards a world where craftsmanship meets compassion, and every product tells a story of hope and empowerment.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for the day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!”




“Avec l’association EcoMer Yachts du Coeur, nous rappelons à tous les habitants de la planète que nous sommes tous embarqués sur le même navire : “la terre”, et que la mer fait partie intégrale de la terre. !”

Sigle Les Yachts du Coeur
Que sont les Yachts du Coeur ?

La France s’enorgueillit de posséder le deuxième plus grand territoire maritime au monde. Le yachting est un pilier de notre économie. Il rayonne mondialement par la beauté et les services de ses ports de plaisance.


Cette activité est à la pointe du développement durable en mer. Elle finance de vastes programmes de R&D en la matière. Elle est même la source d’une solidarité exemplaire envers celles et ceux qui sont dans le besoin. Les Yachts du Cœur en sont un des exemples les plus concrets.

Les Yachts naviguant sur toutes les mers du monde, les Yachts du Coeur rayonnent ainsi sur toute la planète. C’est par le biais des généreux équipages des navires et les professionnels du Yachting que nous réussissons nos missions.


L’association EcoMer YACHTS du COEUR organise ces collectes des Yachts du Cœur depuis 2010. Nous le faisons auprès des gens de mer et des professionnels du yachting dans un triple objectif :

  • Aider les personnes dans le besoin.
  • Lutter contre le gaspillage.
  • Apporter la preuve par le concret de la cohésion et de la solidarité naturelle du monde de la mer, un exemple à suivre.


Avec les Yachts du Cœur, nous rappelons surtout à tout le monde que nous sommes tous embarqués sur le même navire. “La planète terre”.  L’océan fait partie intégrale de la terre. La mer est le reflet de la terre, le miroir du libéralisme économique. C’est aussi et surtout le miroir de la solidarité !

“Tous les marins savent que sur un navire, ce n’est qu’ensemble que l’on peut se sauver !”


Bon à savoir. 

L’ association EcoMer les Yachts du Coeur organise l’événement les Yachts du Cœur depuis 2010 et vient en aide aux marins. Elle promeut une écologie maritime durable via uneYachts du Coeur du 22 juin 2017 au profit de la Croix Rouge charte de qualité que nous mettons en place avec les communes.


Les résultats sont là : 22 tonnes de denrées, soit l’équivalent de 44000 repas collectés depuis 2010 au profit de la Banque Alimentaire. C’est aussi plus de 250m3 de linge et vêtements livrés aux Croix Rouge de de France.


Les associations de femmes battues, Solidarité 06, les Maraudes de Nice, l’Ordre de Malte. 28m3 de premiers secours apportés  aux populations des Caraïbes dévastées par les Ouragans.

C’est grâce à nos appels à solidarité que : Un bateau de pêche de la prud’homie de pêche de Cannes fut entièrement remis en condition de travail et de nouveau à flot en 2012. Nettoyage de plages. Soutien aux marins en difficultés.


Nous avons écris et publié un livre environnemental pour enfants. Où est passée la famille Oursin ? Nous donnons des conseils dans les bons gestes écologiques à bord des Yachts. Passé des partenariats scientifiques. Que faire, entre autre, des plasitiques, des PCB, de l’Arsenic, du Cadmium, du Chrome, du Cuivre, du Nickel, et du Plomb contenus dans les boues portuaires? Problématique sans solution satisfaisante, encore aujourd’hui…!


Sigle Les Yachts du Coeur
– Visitez notre boutique de cadeaux de bord “Coeur de Yachts” ® pour les invités
  • Nos produits artisanaux de qualité supérieure “Coeur de Yachts ®”, supervisés et fabriqués par Laurence Eloy, financeront nos futures missions humanitaires et environnementales. Laurence Eloy est une artisane renommée de la Côte d’Azur. C’est aussi une bénévole très active de l’association Eco-Mer les Yachts du Coeur. 
  • Notre objectif immédiat est d’aider les personnes en situation de grande précarité à retrouver du travail. Ceci leur donnera la fierté de vivre grâce à une formation active, un travail et une expérience dans notre atelier.
  • Le but ultime de “Coeur de Yachts” ®, consiste à lutter contre la pauvreté en favorisant l’autosuffisance à travers l’enseignement d’un métier.

« Donnez un poisson à un homme et vous le nourrissez pendant une journée. Apprenez-lui à pêcher et vous le nourrirez toute sa vie. »